The coconut in Mexico
Despite the endless memes about coconut oil and its benefits, the reality is that the coconut is a fruit with many benefits, and many ways to eat it.
Mexico occupies the eighth place in the production of coconut palm, with Indonesia being the first producer worldwide, and although its origin is not exactly known to date, the most accurate thing is that it comes from the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and is currently cultivated throughout the tropics.
Cocos Nucifera
The coconut tree is a kind of palm tree where the coconuts are born, and its scientific name is Cocos Nucifera; it is one of a kind, and has many varieties. It always grows in warm places with little variation in climate, it thrives on sandy tropical beaches and high humidity.
This palm tree is more than resistant, it is not affected by strong winds (indeed, they help it to pollinate and fertilize its flowers) and unlike many other plants,
can grow in places with high salinity—another reason why it thrives on tropical beaches.
In Mexico, the main producer is the state of Guerrero, followed by Colima and in third place, Tabasco. Guerrero contributes 80% of the coconut production nationwide, and exports this product to several countries.
Uses of coconut
As you probably know, not only coconut pulp is used, which in addition to being a natural delicacy, has many benefits. Fresh, it contains 50% moisture, and dry, this moisture is reduced to 3%, but maintains and concentrates the same nutrients.
Coconut oil is also extremely valued (no wonder memes have made it so famous) and is used in cooking, soaps, candles, glycerin, cosmetics, as fertilizer and even in biofuel.
And in the kitchen, its uses are endless. You can use the fresh or dried pulp, the oil, it can be used as flour or as a sweetener, to add fiber to different dishes, such as vegetable milk, butter, cream, yoghurt, or simply use its water, which is a incredible resource: it can last up to 8 months inside the coconut and stay fresh.
All parts of the coconut palm can be used; the wood, the leaves, the fruit, the fiber of the husk, the copra, the oil, the root, and for this reason in some countries they call it the tree of life. Also, because it is used for different diseases and many pathological conditions.
Although we may not have access to this fruit every day, it is beneficial for our body, so including it in our diet is essential. In Tokelau, a New Zealand island, the local diet consists, besides other things, of a large amount of coconut, which provides them with 60% of the daily required fat, being their main source of energy; Tokelauans are in excellent health and do not suffer from heart disease, for example.
So despite not having access to fresh coconut, we can enjoy it in its dehydrated version, like Don Zabor's shredded coconut, and include it in different preparations, from granola and smoothies to savory dishes. and candies. In addition, it contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and vitamins of group B, C, E and K. It is also a powerful antioxidant, detoxifier, diuretic, and even laxative.
If you would like to know delicious coconut recipes, leave us a comment on Facebook or Instagram, and don't forget to look for your shredded coconut from Don Zabor at any Walmart , Superama, Bodega Aurrera, H-E-B, laComer, CityClub and Alsuper