propiedades y beneficios de la canela

Properties and benefits of cinnamon

José Ernesto Collaborator

Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that comes from the bark of a tree and is a very common companion in traditional Mexican recipes, both in sweet dishes and in savory preparations, since it is an ingredient that over the years It has managed to position itself in the taste of the best chefs in the world.

You can always consider having cinnamon in your kitchen, in sticks like in the Don Zabor presentation or also in powder. So complete, you can use it to add a special touch to your coffee, to make water or to prepare an exquisite rice.

Next we will delve a little about its properties, uses and benefits that its consumption and integration to the dishes we eat in our day to day gives us.

In the kitchen

The popularity of cinnamon in the kitchen is well known, we can see it in simple preparations that go from atole, tea with apple or as the final touch in a cappuccino. Its variety and role in recipes make it essential, especially when mixed with spices, which is why it is important in some dishes such as mole or even pozole, which helps them have a unique flavor.

On the other hand, in pastry and confectionery it is also a favorite component and used in combination with rice or flour. In addition, it is combined in sweet desserts with fruits such as pear, apple, orange or with the famous rice pudding. Finally, it is also mixed with ingredients such as chocolate and even in a delicious ice cream.

Origin and current uses

Its origin dates back to the Asian continent, where it has been used for more than five thousand years and it was not until the Middle Ages that it began to be transferred to other continents and countries. Thanks to its fame, they began to cultivate it in regions with a tropical climate and suitable humidity.

As it was expanding, its uses also, the main one is medicinal, since some take advantage of its benefits in the digestive processes, being an incentive for nausea, gas and heartburn. Others consider it a good support or remedy for respiratory diseases, which is why it is common for them to recommend tea with cinnamon to relieve some of the symptoms due to its expectorant effectiveness.

In addition to this, its smell is something so particular that it has been used in aromatherapy, to help relaxation, concentration, motivation to exercise and as a support to reduce mental fatigue.

Health benefits

Speaking of beneficial levels for our body, the list goes on, some mention that it helps combat high cholesterol levels since it is an antioxidant. Another of its properties is that it lowers blood pressure as it helps to relax blood vessels.

Some studies mention that cinnamon has benefits against Alzheimer's, since it is an ally in the prevention and treatment of this disease. Another benefit of its daily use is the contribution of calcium for our bones, cinnamon is a good ally for the joints, so don't rule it out when making tea in the afternoon.

And finally, thanks to its anti-inflammatory power, it is recommended as a remedy for colic, a glass of hot milk with cinnamon will be a blessing for the pain and inflammation that you suffer in those days.

Take advantage of the qualities of delicious cinnamon to prepare your favorite dishes and keep in mind that you can find the 100-gram Don Zabor cinnamon presentation at the supermarket of your choice. Stay tuned for our blog and recipes!