Tamarind candy from Don Zabor
Full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, water and also low in fat, this African fruit is a favorite in Mexico.
In addition to being delicious, this bittersweet fruit goes well with sweet, salty and even chili; at Don Zabor we love the versatility of all our products, but tamarind has a special place in our hearts, for one reason: it is one of those flavors that remind us of the easy happiness it gave us in childhood .
The favorite of many
Although we can't lie, it still makes us happy as adults, especially since now we don't just see it as a snack, but as a nutritious addition to our diet. It has laxative, diuretic, astringent, antipyretic and antiseptic properties and significant amounts of vitamins B, C and E, and 20% of each fruit is fiber, which helps in our digestion.
Although in different countries the uses of tamarind vary, the reality is that not only the fruit is used, but also the seeds, leaves, whole pods, the juice, bark and root have various uses, be they food, cosmetic or medicinal.
A bit of history
Although we have already told you a little about this delicacy in this blog, it is worth giving you a short summary so that you know a little more about tamarind; it comes from Africa and grows wild in many countries on that continent, and is also produced in India, the Philippines and countless Latin American countries. In countries like Senegal, Samoa and others, the pulp is eaten fresh without cooking, or it is prepared in waters and sauces as we do in Mexico.
It is not only used as food; tamarind wood is also used, although not as commonly as it is difficult to work, to make various furniture and accessories, and is highly resistant to weather and insects, unlike of other woods.
Let's begin!
Now for the kicker, we're going to show you how to make those sugar-coated candies that make us salivate just thinking about that familiar little flavor.
- 1/2 kilo of tamarind
- 1 cup of water
- 1 1⁄2 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 2 tablespoons of piquín chili powder (optional)
Remove the skin from the pods and strings, leaving only the pulp.
In a pot with the cup of water, cook the tamarinds over low heat until they are soft.
Add 1⁄2 cup of sugar and the salt and stir well.
Remove from the heat and puree, removing the seeds.
Once the cooking is cold, mix the tamarind pulp with 1⁄2 cup more sugar and chili if you prefer.
Form small spheres, and put the rest of the sugar in a saucer or cup so that you can cover each ball with it. You can also add chili powder to the sugar if you wish.
Did you make this recipe? Tell us on social networks and share photos of your experience and results! To find the Don Zabor products you see in this recipe, visit any Walmart, Superama, Bodega Aurrera, H-E-B, laComer, CityClub and Alsuper.
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